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Hogwarts Regenerated

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Hogwarts Regenerated

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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

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    Lesson Three - First & Second Years


    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2012-01-09

    Lesson Three - First & Second Years Empty Lesson Three - First & Second Years

    Post by Catori Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:26 am

    Catori was burning sage when she walking into the large hut she had set up. With in the hut were multiple sickly animals that needed taken care off. The winter was brutal and some of the animals were suffering. She spent most of her days praying and healing the animals.

    Now that it had come time for lesson 3 she thought the best way to handle this was to show the students how to help the animals. All the students would be healing them, but at different levels of ability. Sitting down next to Argos and a skrewt she fed it some sleeping draught while she waited on the students.
    Selena Vikenti
    Selena Vikenti

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    Lesson Three - First & Second Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - First & Second Years

    Post by Selena Vikenti Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:55 am

    Selena walked briskly towards the open field and let her mind wander once again. How much time would it take before the week will end? She needed to know now. But perhaps, it will be much longer than she expected it to be.

    She gave a quick wave of her hand to the professor and waited for the others to arrive. Finally to get over with this whole thing.

    Lesson Three - First & Second Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - First & Second Years

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:44 pm

    Klara quickly walked to the field where Magical Beast would be taught, she was hoping to do well in this class, she also hoped that it would be a hands on lesson, as for most of her classes all they did was theoretical lessons

    As she arrived she saw the Professor and another girl, she looked at the Professor and smiled " Hello Professor" she then stood not to close to the other student as for she wasn't sure if she was friendly or not. Klara then passed a glance at the other student

    " Hi, Im Klara" she said sweetly, before folding her arms and looking down at the ground, as she waited for the class to start

    Aquila Turrow
    Aquila Turrow
    Fourth Year
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    Lesson Three - First & Second Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - First & Second Years

    Post by Aquila Turrow Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:55 pm

    Aquila walked out to the Magical Beast lessons. He figured this one was going to go much the same as it had at Hogwarts.

    "Hello, Hello, Hello," he called out with an easy grin and looking at the two girls that were there already.

    They both seemed the semi-quiet sorts but he figured probably for different reasons.

    Still he was never one to be quiet.

    "Ladies," he greeted again with an imaginary hat tip.
    Fourth Year
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    Lesson Three - First & Second Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - First & Second Years

    Post by Roman Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:32 pm

    Once Roman was close enough to the little spot on the grounds where the class was set up, he smelled something burning. He thought it might have been sage, but wasn't too sure.

    He waved to the professor along with Selena, who he remembered from last class. Strangely enough, there were several other students there, including the Hogwarts kid he met earlier in the day.

    "Guten tag!" he said once he was within the group of people that had amassed near the makeshift hut.

    Lesson Three - First & Second Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - First & Second Years

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:19 pm

    Klara heard another student enter, he was quite vocal with his entrance, Klara giggled as he greeted her and the other girl while pretending to tip his imaginery hat "And hello to you good Sir" Klara said as she smirked at the boy, he had a different accent, perhaps English

    Klara then saw a Hrabrost boy enter the group, he had a certain charm about him it was quirky she liked that. He greeted the group in German, Wow there's quite a few different nationlities at this school Klara thought to herself, she then smiled warmly at the boy " Hello, im Klara pleasure meeting you" she said to the Hrabrost boy
    Selena Vikenti
    Selena Vikenti

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    Lesson Three - First & Second Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - First & Second Years

    Post by Selena Vikenti Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:55 am

    Selena slightly rolled her eyes of how these kids have the guts to do that. But she can't. And she's actually thankful for that. And the guys? How pathetic they seem. But making more and more haters will just make her life worse. Why not give in and go with the flow? Surely, she can live with that. Or not. Just try.

    The Hitrost gave up and forced a shy smile to cross her face, nodding her head as a sign of approval to the mere stupidity of introductions, then tried to speak, "I'm Selena. Call me Sel or whatever." wondering about the positive sides of change.
    Victoria Flynn
    Victoria Flynn

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2012-02-01

    Lesson Three - First & Second Years Empty Re: Lesson Three - First & Second Years

    Post by Victoria Flynn Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:50 pm

    Victoria was a student with problem yes she had tons of problems she was werewolf the reason was she late was because she had to check when the lesson end and if she had enough time take care of few things. She step outside heading to the care of animals. She was next to show up she loved animals that was one flaw is some animals where know to sense it and would attack her if they known what was wrong with her being werewolf had it problem of course it did.

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